See the world from a different perspective. University abroad has so much to offer, from affordability to incredible life experience, here is how to find the resources you need to get started with applying abroad!
Many students who demonstrate an interest in applying to university internationally are deterred by what appears to be a complicated application process. My goal is to simplify the process and help you find the information you actually need to apply abroad.

Your Role
It's never too early to start thinking about applying abroad, in fact, the earlier the better. Get familiar with entry requirements so you can start meeting them as soon as possible... and let me know what specifics you are interested in learning more about so that I can be as helpful as possible.
Starting your search can be overwhelming... here are a few introductory articles to help you get a good understanding of where you want to start.
The Blog
There are pages up top with more information on the four featured countries... but here you can read about my experiences as a high school student applying abroad. To find what you need you can view by category or just scroll down below.
Photo by Thibaud Porier from alumnionline.aup.edu
Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash